Sat 11 Jan
BeauTY• --°x°---- •SeXY HoT• ----°x°-- •WE ARE THe ONe• --°x°---- •YoU WanNT - 23
(Westchester, your place)
Jυícγ💕†¡gh†💕ρ¡ηk💕βαηg¡η βoo†γ💕💋ρεrƒεc† ℓ¡ρρs💋ĦΘԵ δ¡ηƒυℓ - 23
(Salem, Salem,Albany,Springfield incalls&outcall;)
•-:¦:-• C A N ' T •-:¦:-• G E T •-:¦:-• A N Y •-:¦:-• B E T T E R •-:¦:-• - 24
(Salem, SALEM UPSCALE INCALL 80 special)
TiGHT √√ JUiCY √√ HOT || Curvy Mixed BombShell OC SPECiALS|| || - 22
(Portland, Portland/ Beaverton / Vancouver)
Fri 10 Jan
Big Dick ts ready 2 Play Now...i do cater 2 all enjoy me..and i have the body of a Goddess! - 25
(Norfolk/little creek rd)
Just ARRIVE it's been a while but I'm back for 2 nites 👅👅💨💨👅👠👠 - 23
(Spring valley/nanuet, Westchester)
💄💋Mistress G💋💄💯% REAL (FF🍭) IM UR GIRL👙ultimate playmate👍 - 26
(Westchester, Cortlandt Manor outcalls 2 all locations)
9💁Party bottom 🙌Big breast ❤️ and even bigger😳 C O C K💋 catch every drop 💦 - - 22
(Elmsford, Westchester)
[★]NEW N TOWN [★]PROOF pic[★]9.5XL thickK[★]VERSE TOP[★] BUBBLE AZZ [★] --the NASTIEST around - - 23
(Westchester, stamford ct)
Exotic Brunette colombian Bombshell hosting in the bronx 225 white plains road - 22
(Westchester, 225st white plains road)
💋🔥 SeXy SouTHern SweeTNess🔥💋 😗 FlaWle$$ & CuRvY Body 👑 NEW GiRL!! 2 BAD BruNette$ 👑 - 30
(Elmsford Tarrytown INCALL & Outcall, Westchester)
💖💎💋No LiMits💋NaUgTy Sch0oL G!®l NiGht💋DoNt mIss 💋VoluPtUoUs VixEn💋💎💖 - 29
(Westchester, white plains elmsford surounding areas)
(( H O T )) *DeLiciOuS* ___ {BruNeTTe} ___ :B A R B i E: ___ {= ___ =AvAiLBLe now =} - 21
(Westchester, TerryTown INcall OR OUTcall)
Busty Size C with Petite Curves * Non Rushed Private Playmate * 100 SPECIAL - 26
(Westchester, nanuet incall route 59)
Spring Foward And Fall For This Sexy TS That Has More What You Bargained For. - 21
(central west end)
Leaving STL @NOON Catch me before I am gone 📲 816.332.1027 ✨Incall Specials✨ - 27
VISITING ♥★★★★★ EXACTLY What you NeeD★★★★★♥ SPECIALS! Here Today gone tomorrow. Don't Miss. - 22
SEDUCTIVE EYES, gorgeous body, flirty, passionate and playful!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
*:*:* Im Back -:- Exotic Sexy Classy n All Urs *:*:* Special -:- Im All urs .... So Come Get Me!! - 24
🍍🌸🍹Undescribable Summer Fun 🍉🌴🍉 Slippery When W🌊t Fun🍹🌸🍍 - 23
(Portland, Portland Incall/Outcall Maywood)
AKA Ms K Wont Tease U Only Please U. Full Satisfaction ~ Gentlemen Preferred
(In Between your legs! downtown Loft))
TOTAL PACKAGE new NEW new ☆☆☆☆☆5 Star :¦: Knockout, BIG BOOTY funsize sexy lil treat LATINA - 22
(BRONX INZ southern blvd, Westchester)
*********** UpSCaLe HOttIES ******** nOT thE tYPIcAL gIRLZ neXt dOOR ************ 100% REAL - 21
(Westchester, to you)
☆ {TrUe PICS!}* *1OO% ♥ LaTiNa/FiLiPino Be@uTy ..y3 CanDy MØDL!!.... - 22
(Westchester, ♥ NANUET area ♥)
💋ToE CuRlinG SkillS & FlAWle$$ BoDy💋 LAsT NighT $peciAl🍓 SouTHerN SweeTNe$$ 🍓CuRvy & ThiCk - 29
(Fairfield, STaMford GreenWich INcall Local OUTCall)
°== S_E_X_Y === ° ❤° = E_B_O_N_Y = ° ❤ ° === T_R_E_A_T ==° NEW PICTURES 100% Me - 23
(Westchester, Elmsford Incall)
Outcalls only☎️ Bombshell 💣 Waiting 4 your calls!!!! - 22 - 22
(Westchester, Yonkers/white planes (outcalls))
___ H_O_T_T_E_R_ ___ T_H__E_ N____T__H__E ____S__ U__M__M__E__R_ ___ __H_ _E_,A__T___ - 20
(Westchester, Elmsford)
*H0TT ———— *ALL-AMERiCAN* ———— BRUNETTE ————— BARBiE ————— KiLLER CuRVeS! - 23
(Westchester, OUT TO YOU)
Gorgeous ♥* Sexxy ♥* Curvy ♥* BrunETTe green EyEd bEauty♥★ ♥*• ★Quality ♥*• ★ . Gents Incall - 24
(Long Island, Plainview-farmingdale)
*** ++++ Hot +++++ amazing _+_+_+_+_+ gorgeous ++++ Sexy _______ real pic +++++++++ - 23
(Queens, queens out calls)
• • • • • • ► S e x y • B r u n e t t e • T r e a t ◄ • • • • • • - - Always Available - 25
*(¯`'.¸* ___(¯`'( NW ) «BAUTIFUL ...* SXy... *xOTiC... * PLAYMAT... »* ¸.'´¯)___ *¸.'´¯)* - 19
_____MUST SΞΞ!!* ____►____ δωεε† ✮ TiGhT_______#1 PLΛYMΛTΞ _______►____NΛUGHƬ¥ -and- NΛkΞÐ FUN_____ - 23
(Incall -💋💋💋- Outcall, Palm Springs)
______* NᗩUGHƬ¥ * ♡ ____❯❯❯❯❯❯___ * Nᗩk€D * _♢__❯❯❯❯❯❯___ * ᖇ€ᗩD¥ for ᖴᑌᑎ! * ☆_______ - 21
(MIne / Yours, Palm Springs)
((NEW)) 💎Super H0t #1D0MINICAN 💎✨ 24/7 OUTCALLs 😙H0T& TighT👅Fetish Queen 👑💦STRAP PLAY - 23
(Cathedral City, Palm Springs)
❄️Winter wonderland ⛄️ $pecials Chocolate🍫Snowbunny 9"FF Top/Bttm Heavy loads🌊$40 $65 $100 Incalls - 24
(North County, 270 & Hallsferry Rd Incalls)
White Girl Nikki (Over 45 Only) 314-409-0011 ~$150$~ - 23
(St. Louis, Brentwood / Clayton -Private Location)
****Tasty Tracy 2013**** 816-318-7229**** THE best there ever was!!! - 25
(St. Louis, IN/OUT Calls to ALL areas!!!)
SUNDAY MORNING $100 SPECIAL★★★ Seductive Dominican Bombshell 🔹🔸New Pics - 20
(Midtown West, Penn Station Area ____ ❤❤❤)
💋 New To Staten Island fellas I'm here to please you 💋 🇬🇧 Smoking Hot Female 💃 - 24
(Staten Island, Car fun and In-calls / all night)
(¯`'•.¸ ★ ¸.•'´¯) PARTY FOR 2013 ♡ SHERRY ♡ (¯`'•.¸ ★ ¸.•'´¯) - 25
(Staten Island, Incall 347 995 5873)
****HERE NOW😏Heavy💦 KREAMER👅💯PARTY Girl 🔥 🎀ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ🎀° EXØTiC ƒяєαкy 💄 💎 【5 ★★★★★】 GoRgEouS💋 - 23
(Geyer Springs , i30, Little Rock)
((32 flavors )) ..... super sexy brownskin perope ts... with Gray eyes.... - 27
(Little Rock, Little Rock West)
Real CouGar Holiday Specials, Amazing MoUtH SkiLls GorGeoUs, SeXy, ChArMinG, Monica- - 51
(Portland, SE Portland Mall 205 Area)
NEW*¨¨*·-:¦:- COME CRuISE THeSE CURvES! *·-:¦:-·*¨¨* NEW - 25
(Portland, Se portland Incall / Outcall)
•*ஐ*•°ೋೋ•×❤ו — INT0XiCATiNG —• ×❤ו CAPTiVATiNG •×❤ו — V0LUMPTi0US —•×❤ו•*ஐ*•°ೋೋ - 25
(Portland, airport)
***I'm Back & Ready For Some Steamy....Hour Glass Shape*Beautiful Face*Internally Amazing!*** - 26
ATTENTION: BLONDE LOVERS!!! HOT NEW PICS Thick and sexy.. 100 Specials - 23
(Portland, se pdx In and out Everywhere)
**ONE NIGHT ONLY** Y~O~U~R *❤* P~E~R~F~E~C~T *❤* P~L~A~Y~M~A~T~E ____ TS* COCO *Party Girl* - 25
(Greentree, Pittsburgh)
$100 Local Ts JeNN* H√U√N√G JuSt LiKe YU LiKeM w/RealPICS AVAIL Now AllDAY *BsT R!M IncludEd - 22
(Pittsburgh, 5min frm DOWNTOWN)
HiGHLY aDDiCTiVe & H0RNY BBW! ❤ NaTuRaL 38EE GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe!❤ 100 $PeCiaL 2nite ❤ aLWays uP L8! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Portland & Outcall Metro)